Monday, January 16, 2017

My Favorite Foot Soap

I have a lot of ideas. That's an understatement. One day a few years ago, I sat at our dining room table designing a new soap -- a soap for feet and legs. My idea? A two-sided soap with a scrubby side to clean my feet and a slimy side for shaving legs. 

The scrubby side would be loaded with powdered pumice and the slimy side would have bentonite clay. Extra sugar would make the soap extra bubbly and extra sea salt would make it extra hard. That was the plan...

Well, reality hit and when I poured the bentonite soap mixture on top of the pumice soap mixture, they mixed. Yeah, there was still some separation between the 2 sides, but honestly, you can't shave your legs with pumice soap.

The good news: the soap turned out to be awesome for cleaning tough stains on hands and feet! I prefer flipflops and sandals, even when working in the garden or feeding the chickens. Buckwsr, the hubster, repairs small engines on the side. A friend used this same soap to clean stubborn glue after a tiling project. This soap worked wonders!

The bad news: I lost the folder containing the recipe for about a year. I looked through all the spiral folders I could find. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. 

Then one glorious day the folder appeared! I adjusted the recipe because the 2-sided technique didn't work. 

Here's the video of the remake of this soap for your enjoyment:
It's probably time to make this soap again in a sweeter-smelling fragrance like lemon lavender or Love Spell type.

Want to buy a bar? This soap is coming soon to our etsy shop:
Nancy's Garden Soap Co 

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